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Package 1: MTO Approved

$ 589
+Taxes & MTO Fee
Add to Cart
  • 20 hours Online (Self paced)
  • 10 hours home link
  • 10 hours in car lessons

Package 2: MTO Approved

$ 739
+Taxes & MTO Fee
Add to Cart
  • 20 hours Online (Self paced)
  • 10 hours of home link
  • 11 hours in car lessons
  • Use of the instructor car for the road test

Package 3: MTO Approved

$ 895
+Taxes & MTO Fee
Add to Cart
  • 20 hours of Online (Self paced)
  • 10 hours of home link
  • 15 hours in car lessons
  • Use of instructor car for the road test

Package 1: Sat and Sun 9am to 2pm Virtual Classes

$ 629
+Taxes & MTO Fee
Add to Cart
  • Plus 10 Hours in car lessons

Package 2: Sat and Sun 9am to 2pm Virtual Classes

$ 779
+Taxes & MTO Fee
Add to Cart
  • 11 Hours in car lessons
  • Use of instructor car for the test

Package 3: Sat and Sun 9am to 2pm Virtual Classes

$ 935
+Taxes & MTO Fee
Add to Cart
  • 15 Hours in car lessons
  • Use of instructor car for the test

Ministry Approved Courses

Package 1: MTO Approved $589.00 $30.00 $76.57 $695.57 Add to Cart
Package 2: MTO Approved $739.00 $30.00 $96.07 $865.07 Add to Cart
Package 3: MTO Approved $895.00 $30.00 $116.35 $1041.35 Add to Cart
Package 1: Sat and Sun 9am to 2pm Virtual Classes $629.00 $30.00 $81.77 $740.77 Add to Cart
Package 2: Sat and Sun 9am to 2pm Virtual Classes $779.00 $30.00 $101.27 $910.27 Add to Cart
Package 3: Sat and Sun 9am to 2pm Virtual Classes $935.00 $30.00 $121.55 $1086.55 Add to Cart

Individual Testing and Training for G2

1 Hour Lesson (G2) $50.00 $6.50 $56.5 Add to Cart
1 Hour + Road Test (G2) $180.00 $23.40 $203.4 Add to Cart
2 Hours + Road Test (G2) $235.00 $30.55 $265.55 Add to Cart
3 Hours + Road Test (G2) $285.00 $37.05 $322.05 Add to Cart
4 Hours + Road Test (G2) $335.00 $43.55 $378.55 Add to Cart
5 hours lesson + Road Test (G2) $385.00 $50.05 $435.05 Add to Cart
10 hours lesson + Road Test (G2) $625.00 $81.25 $706.25 Add to Cart

Individual Testing and Training for G

1 Hour Lesson (G) $55.00 $7.15 $62.15 Add to Cart
1 hour + Road Test (G) $180.00 $23.40 $203.4 Add to Cart
2 Hours + Road Test (G) $235.00 $30.55 $265.55 Add to Cart
3 Hours + Road Test (G) $285.00 $37.05 $322.05 Add to Cart
4 Hours + Road Test (G) $335.00 $43.55 $378.55 Add to Cart
5 hours + Road Test (G) $385.00 $50.05 $435.05 Add to Cart
10 Hours + Road Test (G) $625.00 $81.25 $706.25 Add to Cart

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